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About Us

Mid-Willamette Trans Support Network was founded in 2016, by and for gender diverse people, to provide for the needs and security of our community. We accomplish this through collaboratively-sourced resource donations, emergency grants, and social support networks.


Mid-Willamette Trans Support Network was founded in 2016. The MWTSN is organized exclusively as a community-based, grassroots organization working to support the transgender, nonbinary, intersex, gender-nonconforming, and gender-ethnic minority communities, as well as their direct families, tribal relations, and kinship systems.



We envision a world where we are ensured our basic human rights, and we hope to achieve this by increasing understanding and acceptance of the transgender community as a whole. We hope to achieve this by passing the spotlight and creating spaces for transgender people to speak for themselves.

Gay teen with skateboard

Artemis Leona - [ki/kin/kins]

Resource Dispatcher 

SueZeev Ranseen - TransMasculine Support Group Facilitator

Elijah Stucki [they/them] - Executive Director & Gender Expansive Support Group Facilitator 

Our Staff

Xander Omoto-
QTIBIPOC Support Group Faciliator

MJ Mirho-
Volunteer Coordinator

Alyssa Flanigan [she/her]-

Transfem Group Facilitator

Our Board - more info coming soon!

Dharma Mirza- She/her
Board President

Artemis Leona- ki,kin,kins

Ran Brickey - they/them

Drew Wolf - He/Him
Board Member

Olivia Danforth - she/hers

Board Member

Jade  - 
Board Member

Cade Sage- 
Vice President

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